Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's raining, it's pouring...

Having only lived in the 'low country' for 6 months, we're still in the 'everything's new' phase. It's great really. Learning the flower & vegetable seasons, oyster & shrimp seasons, discovering what low country really means and experiencing the weather. Being the weather junkie that I am, I found out that July & August are the rainiest months of the year. To top it all off, we're currently 9 inches below normal. Well, not sure how to take that since our front yard was a no wake zone the other day:
Yes, there's a street under all that water! And we had waves on our lawn after these cars went by...

It's all good though. I'm enjoying all the rain, though I really wish it cooled off a bit afterwards. Nope, still high 80s!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Angie! That is a LOT of water.